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Amy shared her story with us of how after she graduated from the Adult Felony Therapeutic Mental Health Court program in Spokane, she pursued a career in helping others and ended up working with Pioneer! 


I am honored to share my story in the hope that I can reach other people who are struggling with mental...

The Seattle Office of Labor Standards (OLS) announces the five-year anniversary of Seattle’s Fair Chance Employment Ordinance (FCE), Seattle Municipal Code Chapter 14.17. The ordinance, which went into effect on November 1, 2013, restricts how Seattle employers may use conviction and arrest records during the...

SEATTLE, WA, November 1, 2018 – Today, it is rare to hear about employees who spend their entire career at one company. Ahnetta Fields has spent over 47 years at Pioneer Human Services (Pioneer) in Seattle, and she came to Pioneer straight from prison. Pioneer is the largest and oldest nonprofit in the state of Washington focused on reentry and serving justice-involved individuals. The...

By the time he reached his forties, Brian had been to prison five times. As time progressed, he never even attempted to lead a life of sobriety. Each time Brian returned to prison, he would meet new individuals who were behind bars that weren’t great role models, and he would learn new anti-social behaviors. Brian went back into the community, time and time again with the self-acknowledged goal of returning to...

Mary Jo works at Pioneer Industries as a scheduler and shared with us her journey from addiction and incarceration - to having a healthy and productive life.


I don’t think my story is unique, but I’d like to give you an idea of where I came from, how I ended up in Pioneer’s Roadmap to...

Pioneer advocates for a range of issues that remove barriers and increase opportunities for the people we serve. We believe that people have the ability to change and that a criminal record should not be a life sentence that bars people from becoming productive members of our communities. Read about what we advocate for HERE.

My mind quickly changed because I saw how much the Roadmap workshop could actually help me and what the classes could offer me.”  Robert


Robert was born and raised in Rural Medical Lake, WA, on a farm with two younger sisters. Although this was a peaceful setting for someone to grow up in,...

September is Recovery Month and we are proud to share the successful journey of one of our employees who graduated from Drug Court and is now serving others struggling with their substance abuse.


When I graduated from Drug Court in Spokane I knew I wanted to become a chemical dependency professional...

Robert told Pioneer staff that he had been “living-off the land” in Montana for three years before moving back to Spokane and ending up homeless on the streets. He eventually did find housing but he was evicted in his last lease due to his landlord selling the building. Previously, Robert had lived independently for over 20 years but now his past convictions and jail time were serving as a barrier and...

Recently, our team of residential reentry professionals traveled to Minneapolis to attend the formal American Correctional Association (ACA) accreditation hearing for Pioneer Fellowship House. Staff members celebrated the program officially being awarded the ACA accreditation. The panel members reiterated that the report from the auditors highlighted sound operations, an atmosphere conducive to successful...

