Detox & Residential Treatment Client Receives Peer Support, Encouragement & Compassion

Pioneer Human Services operates the Ituha Stabilization Facility in Oak Harbor on Whidbey Island and the North Sound Behavioral Health Treatment…

Carnegie Resource Center’s Services and Community Partners Provide Needed Services for Snohomish County Residents

Staff from the Carnegie Resource Center in Everett shared a story on why providing support services, and working with community partners to offer…

Treatment and Supportive Housing Pave Path to Success

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”  Author unknown In…

Recovery Navigator Program in Spokane Builds Partnership with Downtown Police Precinct

The Recovery Navigator Program (RNP) team (pictured) in Spokane successfully worked to build a strong partnership with the Downtown Spokane Police…

Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment Delivers Success for Tara

“It may feel like it’s dark and there is no way out – but there is a way out – and there are people like me, and countless others, who want…

Cellmates Reunite After 30 Years in Entrepreneurship Program

The INVEST (Incarceration to New Ventures: Elevating Success Together) entrepreneurship program is designed to empower formerly…

Dillon Believes You Earn Second Chances

“I hope that my success is able to serve as motivation for others. It is proof that happiness – as well as redemption – are always…

In-Jail Treatment Builds Lives

Mr. R. found himself on the streets at a young age with no direction or support. He survived day by day engaging in criminogenic behavior and…

Compassion and Encouragement Help Tyler Through Detox and Treatment

We are proud to share a letter from Tyler, a former client. His recovery and new look on life is something to celebrate! Iris Cola, SUDP…

Services and Partnerships Build Back a Stable Life

Supportive housing specialists in our Foundational Community Supports (FCS) program shared a story on Angela (pictured with her…

INVEST Entrepreneurship Program Builds Confidence and Skills for Formerly Incarcerated Starting New Businesses

We are pleased to introduce you to Josue, a recent graduate of our Incarceration to New Ventures: Elevating Success Together…

Second Chances In Housing and Support Lead to Success

In Spokane, Ashley Sale, program manager of the Phoenix Transitional Housing program, shared a story on Kelby, a resident who has…