Pioneer Fellowship House Celebrates National Accreditation

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Recently, our team of residential reentry professionals traveled to Minneapolis to attend the formal American Correctional Association (ACA) accreditation hearing for Pioneer Fellowship House. Staff members celebrated the program officially being awarded the ACA accreditation. The panel members reiterated that the report from the auditors highlighted sound operations, an atmosphere conducive to successful reentry, and positive comments from the residents about the Pioneer Fellowship staff and program.

The panel of hearing commissioners consisted of professionals with many decades of experience among them to include individuals from human services nonprofits, prisons, healthcare, and an international advocacy/program consultant. One of the panel member's told Pioneer staff at the event first-hand stories of working with Norm Chamberlain, Pioneer's former executive director from 1969 - 1984. The panel member shared many stories on how he worked with Mr. Chamberlain to train organizations across the nation on residential reentry center (then halfway house) operations, referring to Pioneer Human Services as the “true pioneer of this work.”

We are sincerely thankful to our amazing staff for their hard work and dedication and their success in reaching this recognized standard of professional achievement!


Monday, August 6, 2018