Spokane Regional Stabilization Center Set to Begin Operations
SPOKANE COUNTY, September 14, 2021 – Yesterday afternoon at a ribbon cutting ceremony, Spokane County Commissioners, local elected officials, leaders in health care and criminal justice, and other stakeholders celebrated the soon to be opened new Spokane Regional Stabilization Center (SRSC) located at 1302 West Gardener Avenue in Spokane.
This facility is the first of its kind in the area and represents a regional priority for local municipalities. Collaboration on this facility first began in 2017 when regional partners began to create a framework for the facility and took part in multiple mentor site visits throughout the nation to observe best management practices.
The SRSC will be Spokane County’s first true pre-booking jail diversion option for eligible individuals, and the first in Washington State to offer a full range of medical, mental health, and substance use treatment services all at a single location. It will incorporate continuum of solutions from the WA State Trueblood case for this region of Accountable Community of Care (ACH).
Pioneer Human Services is the contracted provider partnering with Spokane County and local municipalities for this facility.
The primary vision of the SRSC is to prevent and reduce chronic recidivism and unnecessary involvement in the criminal justice and emergency medical systems. It will promote recovery for persons with disabling mental illness and substance use disorders. The stabilization center will provide medically necessary behavioral health treatment and subsequent transition to the continuum of reentry care for recommended behavioral health treatment, housing, employment, and case management services.
The priority population to be served will be adult individuals who encounter local law enforcement or other first responders, agree to participate in the services, and meet eligibly criteria for jail diversion when encountered by law enforcement.