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Following are many examples of our clients and employees success stories after incarceration and/or in their recovery process. Learn about the people we serve and the varied paths they have taken to lead successful lives. Be sure to check back as we add new stories on a monthly basis.

Pioneer Center East (PCE) is a residential treatment center in Spokane that provides intensive inpatient treatment for individuals with high-needs that are struggling with chronic substance use disorders. Many are also dealing with a criminal...

Pioneer provides an array of specialized residential programs to serve youth, young adults and families in crisis. Our goal is to preserve families, if it is safe for the youth, and provide the tools and skills needed to prevent youth from...

Sometimes people do not get it right the first time. Mark had been to prison before but this time he had a different attitude. Pioneer Human Services operates the Spokane Residential Reentry Center (SRRC) where Mark was directly sent...

Pioneer staff believe in working together across programs to provide a continuum of care that guides and assists clients over time through a comprehensive array of behavioral health, housing and supportive services spanning all levels of intensity of...

The Spokane County Detention Services Community Corrections Newsletter included a story on the success of Pioneer Human Services' Intensive Outpatient (IOP) treatment program in the Geiger Corrections Center. They shared the...

Trinetta Thompkins (pictured on the right) is an employment specialist/Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) facilitator who works with residents at Pioneer Fellowship House, a residential reentry center in Seattle. She shared Michael’s...

Ashley Joslyn is a social services manager at Pioneer Counseling - Emerson Clinic in Spokane. She was very proud to share a story about Robert, a formerly homeless man, that her team slowly built a trust with to assist him in...

Harold graduated from our Roadmap to Success job-readiness program and Manufacturing Academy while he was participating in a drug court program. For over five years, he has worked at Pioneer Industries and he is one of our employees currently...

Harold graduated from our Roadmap to Success job-readiness program and Manufacturing Academy while he was participating in a drug court program. For over five years, he has worked at Pioneer Industries and he is one of our employees currently...

Pioneer Counseling - Emerson Clinic currently provides intensive outpatient services to individuals who are in the pre-conviction Spokane County Therapeutic Drug Court program, or on federal probation. Clients that attend the program have a...
