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Following are many examples of our clients and employees success stories after incarceration and/or in their recovery process. Learn about the people we serve and the varied paths they have taken to lead successful lives. Be sure to check back as we add new stories on a monthly basis. Also check out our apprentice success stories!

Mary Jo works at Pioneer Industries as a scheduler and shared with us her journey from addiction and incarceration - to having a healthy and productive life.


My mind quickly changed because I saw how much the Roadmap workshop could actually help me and what the classes could offer me.”  Robert


September is Recovery Month and we are proud to share the successful journey of one of our employees who graduated from Drug Court and is now serving others struggling with their substance abuse.


The current mayor of a small town reached out to express his thanks to everyone at Pioneer Center North that helped him successfully achieve a life of sobriety almost 12 years ago. He shared a photo of his canine roommates and...

Robert told Pioneer staff that he had been “living-off the land” in Montana for three years before moving back to Spokane and ending up homeless on the streets. He eventually did find housing but he was evicted in his last lease...

How many people do you know that have successfully pursued a bachelor’s and master’s degree while struggling with being homeless and working several jobs? Meet Al.

Al’s grandma knew he had something...

Pictured Left: Marie Preftes-Arenz, clinical manager, Pioneer Parental and Adolescent Counseling Services  

A little over a year ago, Rick's* life was turned upside down when he was reported to the...

Pioneer’s residential reentry centers serve as a bridge from incarceration to life in the community. The centers assist formerly incarcerated individuals with a successful...

Mentally and physically my outlook on life is a lot brighter.”  Patrick

Pictured Left: Mary Loquvam, coordinator, York Community Farm
Pictured Right: Patrick


Pictured: Elizabeth Chambers, assistant director, Tamarack House -

Immigrating to a new country as a child is daunting enough—imagine then facing a host of severe emotional, behavioral, and psychiatric problems.

