Support – Second Chances – Employment – Builds Stable Life

Robert experienced second chances and gained the knowledge to become accountable for his actions during his time in the Spokane County Behavioral Health Adult Felony Therapeutic Court, the Pioneer Counseling-Emerson Clinic outpatient clinic, and Pioneer Center East residential treatment. We are now proud to have him as a dedicated employee and case manager at the Spokane Regional Stabilization Center. 


“The bottom line is Pioneer saved my life and I owe a debt of gratitude to everyone there.” 

Robert’s Story
“I have been through a lot and I’m very grateful that Pioneer Human Services has been a part of my life during my recovery phase. They gave me several chances and understood that recovery is a journey and you don’t often get it right at first. Old habits and shame can pile up and drag you back into addiction pretty easily.

My journey took me from a dairy farm in Othello to the city life in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Poor choices and a cocky attitude eventually left me stranded in the city of Spokane where I had never been and knew no one. When meth was introduced to me, addiction soon became my every day way of life. Heroin was the next step and soon took over my life. 

I’ve been fortunate enough to survive three overdoses and a stabbing. However, with all my near misses and bad choices, I started learning to become accountable for my bad decisions in life and to focus on finding any better options available. 

When I was arrested and looking at facing the better part of a decade in prison, I was given the opportunity by a judge to enter the Spokane Drug Court program instead. I had someone special in my life at the time, and when the judge added up all my charges and told me I could face up to nine years in prison or take drug court, it was a no-brainer. I was told to report to Pioneer Counseling-Emerson Clinic as they operated the pre-conviction Spokane County Therapeutic Drug Court program. 

It was Pioneer staff that I first began to trust in the early parts of my recovery. Trust is huge when you are trying to get clean. Despite my bad habits coming back to haunt me and getting kicked out of drug court a few times, the Emerson Clinic staff never once gave up on me. They kept encouraging me to stay clean and get back in the program. 

The last time I relapsed in the drug court program, the Emerson Clinic staff made the decision to send me to Pioneer Center East for residential treatment. However, my bad attitude kicked in again and I unfortunately violated the rules in treatment. I was released from the program because of my bad behavior. However, Pioneer Center East ultimately allowed me to come back and finish the program

Pioneer helped both me and my special partner (now my wife) get off the street and learn to live in recovery. They even helped me with employment by offering me a peer specialist position at the Spokane Regional Stabilization Center where I could provide my life experience as that was really the only notable reason to even consider me for a position. I was very grateful. 

As a peer specialist, I grew in every aspect of my life. I was able to provide knowledge, experience, emotional, social and practical help to others struggling with addiction. And, with the guidance of Aaron Ford, case manager, and the entire team at the stabilization center, I now have the experience and credentials and have become a case manager. It has been a privilege to have learned so much. 

My experience is proof that when people believe in you and support you – despite your setbacks – you can recover and live a healthy life!”