Contact Us
Pioneer Headquarters
7440 W Marginal Way S.
Seattle WA 98108
8:30am – 5:00pm M-F
Phone: 206-768-1990
Fax: 206-768-8910
Email: communications@p-h-s.com
Aerospace Manufacturing – Pioneer Industries
7000 Highland Park Way SW
Seattle WA 98106
7:30am – 4:00pm M-F
Phone: 206-762-7737
Fax: 206-762-1982
Seattle: 206-768-1990
North of Seattle: 360-336-0116
Spokane: 509-232-7081
Counseling and treatment
North of Seattle: 425-610-2075
Seattle: 206-772-6900
Spokane: 509-325-7232
Prepared Food
Bellingham: PFSorders@p-h-s.com
Spokane: SFSorders@p-h-s.com
Tacoma: CFSorders@p-h-s.com
New Customers Call:
request a tour or speaker
Members of Pioneer’s Executive Leadership Team are available to speak at your meeting or other event. We can also arrange group and individual tours of Pioneer facilities.
Please email us HERE with as much information as possible, and submit at least four weeks prior to the desired event/tour date.
We will review your request and follow up with any questions.
Thank you for your interest in Pioneer!