Treatment and Housing Support Services Build Stability for Edward

Staff across our programs and services work together to help serve the needs of our clients. Recently, Edward (pictured) was referred to the North Sound Behavioral Treatment Center (NSBHTC) to participate in our co-occurring (CORP) residential treatment program that provides treatment and counseling for individuals dually diagnosed with a substance use disorder and mental health issues. Edward engaged in the program and before finishing it, he was connected to our Foundational Community Supports (FCS) service to assist him with his housing needs.  

Edward is a man of few words, but he shared, “I am happy that I have a safe place to sleep at night now.”

The NSBHTC hosts both a co-occurring and an opiate use disorder program to serve clients. The center has an inter-disciplinary team of licensed medical personnel, case managers, and mental health and substance use disorder professionals that coordinated all the treatment and counseling services for Edward. 

Laura Healy, clinical SUD supervisor stated, “I had the pleasure of being Edward’s counselor while he was at NSBHTC. During his stay, he was one of the most self-advocating clients I have had on my caseload to date. Edward attended groups with a recovery focus, asked appropriate questions for clarifications, and did not hesitate to question things he viewed differently than what was being presented.” 

Laura continued, “Edward was aware that his mental health needs were just as important as his substance use disorder and that they were indeed co-occurring issues. In the time he was at NSBHTC, Edward showed his resilience and determination. He can be very serious as well as having a great sense of humor. I absolutely love hearing how well he is doing in recovery, as he has worked arduously to obtain his newly attained sense of self.” 

In addition to our own housing and employment services, we also offer support services in these areas for anyone who is Medicaid-eligible via the FCS program.

Shelly Jones, FCS supportive housing specialist said, “After meeting and forming a relationship with Edward, he shared his housing history. Edward had experienced long-term chronic homelessness because of several barriers including: involvement in the criminal legal system, no credit, no rental history and no income. He was unable to find any housing solutions.” 

Shelly immediately started looking into possible housing options to assist Edward when he exited the CORP program. First, Shelly was able to secure clean and sober transitional housing for him with the use of FCS Transition Assistance Program (TAP) funds. Shelly continued to work on long-term housing solutions also. During this time, Shelly also assisted Edward in getting his driver license back using TAP funding, and he was able to find a job and save enough money to purchase a reliable used car! 

During this time frame, Shelly continued to work diligently with some of Pioneer’s community partners to secure a housing subsidy for Edward. She was able to get him a Community Behavioral Health Rental Assistance (CBRA) housing voucher. Then, she was able to search with him for a permanent and independent apartment in Snohomish County. They found the perfect apartment for him in Everett. Edward moved into his very own one-bedroom apartment and could not be more grateful.

FCS also provided Edward with housing and household furnishings, including a great bed with all of the sheets and bedding. Shelly shared, “Edward told me last week that he loves his new bed and that it is very comfortable.

I am continuing to work together with Edward to build independent living skills and connect him to additional resources. He plans to maintain his housing and employment, while continuing to focus on his  recovery journey. It is my goal to assist him with staying on his successful path towards a new and healthy life,” Shelly added.