Recovery Is Possible

The Skagit Community Detox center is a 16-bed sub-acute detox program. The center serves North Sound region residents for detox and provides services for residents who are experiencing a crisis related to their substance use disorders. Most services are available 24/7.

Seth Peebles, lead substance use disorder professional (SUDP), was very proud to receive a letter from a past client, Rindee, on her first year anniversary of being clean and sober, and then again recently, on her fifth year of recovery. 

Seth said, “Rindee is amazing! She always had a positive personality and it showed when the chips were down. She continued to move forward with her recovery despite having an endless supply of drugs at her fingertips.” Seth continued, “We felt good about her decision to remain at the detox program until we were able to secure a residential treatment bed date for her – that took strength.” 

When asked about Rindee reaching out, Seth shared, “It was wonderful to receive Rindee’s letters and hear that she remains on her recovery journey and is aspiring to work in a detox program. We are very excited to report that Rindee recently was hired as a health care coordinator at Skagit Community Detox – so now she is part of our team!” 

Rindee shared in a letter:

“Back in 2018, I started my journey of true recovery where I put 100% of my energy, love, integrity and honesty into saving my life. I was invited to a Christian inpatient treatment center for women in Tumwater. Unfortunately, I was still living at a drug house with a horrific crack addiction. I had been in and out of treatment centers, jails, institutions and other drug houses never quite making it to full recovery and putting in the real energy that was need. I wanted the positive results so badly but never could quite make it happen. 

Before my last ugly relapse, I had put myself through school and earned a two-year degree in human services. After passing the tests, I became a drug and alcohol counselor and worked with youth for seven years at Swinomish. Then, I moved on to the Lake Stevens School district to be an intervention specialist. That was a wonderful job helping sixth, seventh and eighth graders find their way in life.

This time in treatment, things turned out differently despite the fact that I dropped out of the inpatient treatment center down in Tumwater – it did not last for me. However, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. It was a blessing when I learned about the Skagit Community Detox program that Pioneer Human Services operates in Burlington from my sponsor. 

It was difficult for me to figure out what I was doing wrong and why I could not succeed in my recovery. My sponsor was wonderful, I loved people and did not want to use anymore, but something kept driving me to relapse every time.

Thanks to my sponsor, who has stayed by my side for 37 years and never given up hope that I would recover, she recommended the detox center. My sponsor’s sister was employed at Skagit Community Detox and I was invited to join their family function on Thanksgiving. When I arrived, I looked around and saw so much love, recovery and miracles there – I really wanted to be a part of that type of life.

Looking back, I’m not quite sure how it all came together. It is kind of like seeing through a fog. My memory is that one day my sponsor knocked on the drug house where I lived. When she saw me, she just put her hands on her hips and said, “Are you done yet?” I hung my head in shame and told her, “Yes” but I really wished I knew what that answer would mean to me. 

I was driven to Skagit Community Detox and Seth Peebles, the counselor, gave me a full assessment and set-up inpatient treatment for me at another center. He got me a bed date and I stayed there either 60 or 90 days. It was a co-ed treatment center that I had never been to before. Things seemed different as I was hungry and thirsty for sobriety. I wanted this treatment stay to be a success story so bad – and not just another ruined relapse. 

After I successfully graduated from the treatment program, I left the program with my graduation certificate in my back pocket and went directly to the Faith House in Mount Vernon for 13 months. I definitely got closer to God during my stay. There were many women at the house and most of them wanted recovery, but some of them were there just to go through the motions. You always know who is serious about recovery and who isn’t – but it was okay because we get it when we are ready to listen. Addiction is so powerful! 

I can only say that after staying at the Faith House I prayed about where I was going. I had no solid plans. It wasn’t like I had a rich husband that was going to just sweep me off my feet. I thought I was alone and then I remembered I had my father. I moved to a beautiful buffalo farm that had a bird’s view. This is where I resided for three years.

In closing, I just want to say that my life today is so different. There are so many people that support me and I want to thank all of them, especially the people at the beginning of my path. It was powerful to meet the staff at Skagit Community Detox that didn’t judge me – but instead helped me. And I am grateful to all the other people helped me along my journey. I appreciate being able to share my story.”

Seth Peebles concluded, “Rindee is a very kind soul who always finds the joy and shares it. She was so positive to work with and to be around when she was a client. I now look forward to helping her build her career at Skagit Community Detox and witnessing the positive impact she can and will have on others.”