Carnegie Resource Center in Everett Provides Resources, Training and Hope

Pioneer Human Services operates the Carnegie Resource Center in Everett where walk-in services are welcome. Our staff is happy to share a few examples below describing the various ways that clients were served at the center in Q2 2023. 

The program offers a one-stop location so local residents can engage with several service providers. Carnegie is a gateway to a multitude of resources and training opportunities related to mental health counseling and substance use disorder treatment, employment services, housing enrollment, veteran programs, health insurance navigation and public benefit enrollments. 

Pioneer coordinates all services at the Carnegie Resource Center.

April Inspiration
A client came in after serving 30 days in the Snohomish county jail. After staff spoke with him, they learned he was concerned about returning to his home without power or food because he had an overdue Public Utility District (PUD) bill and his DSHS benefits had been stopped while he was incarcerated. Staff immediately got to work helping him with his DSHS benefits application and set up a review over the phone to help him activate his benefits again. Next, staff provided the client with an extensive resource list of places that will help him meet the rest of his household needs. 

Later in the afternoon that same day, the client returned to the Carnegie Resource Center to let staff know that by the time he got home, the power at his home was back on and the remainder of his overdue bill had been paid. He was very grateful for the assistance and guidance he received. 

May Inspiration
A homeless Spanish-speaking woman came into the Carnegie, as she had no type of benefits or housing. She was understandably feeling very defeated and worried because she had a young daughter with her.

Staff assisted the client with enrollment in healthcare insurance for her and her daughter. They also worked with the client to sign her up to receive benefits from DSHS. After researching a few quick housing options, they were able to get her into the Edmonds Car Camp where she could safely sleep at night with her young daughter. 

The following day, staff helped her locate and schedule mental health services. Within a few weeks, the client returned to check in at the Carnegie regarding finding permanent housing. She was happy, relieved and hopeful that she will soon find permanent housing for her and her daughter with all the resources staff at the center provided. 

June Inspiration
In June, a client walked into the Carnegie Resource Center after being released from serving an extensive jail sentence. He was in need of housing information and wanted help creating an account with the Employment Security Department. 

Our staff started by assisting him in setting up a new email account since he could not remember his original email information. After he had an email account, he was helped in signing up for an Employment Security account. During the process, the client was excited to find out that he was due back payments. The lump sum that he was owed was used to cover the rent for housing that Carnegie staff located for him. 

Staff asked him to check back and when he returned, Carnegie staff coordinated services with our community partners at the center to help secure him with free eyeglasses that he needed for reading and a free cellphone for his communication needs. The client was extremely grateful to receive all of these services and felt very positive about being able to get a fresh start in life after incarceration.