Youth Unites with Father after Changing Severe Behavior
The Snohomish Youth Residential Homes that Pioneer operates are comprised of three residential homes that serve boys between the ages of 13 to 18 years-old who are struggling with severe emotional, behavioral and/or psychiatric problems. Our Cypress House program supervisor, Kendyll Kinnard, shared a story about MC who entered Cypress after being removed from a foster placement due to extreme behaviors.
Pictured left: Kendyll Kinnard, Cypress House program supervisor
“While at Cypress House MC initially struggled with really antagonizing behavior to both residents and staff,” shared Kendyll Kinnard. She added, “Staff focused on working with MC to provide the structure, attention and support services he needed to get control of his behavior.”
Dealing with Trauma
One of the biggest problems our child welfare system has is how to care for children who are severely traumatized. “In our residential youth programs, we work with children that have severe behavioral concerns or therapeutic needs that cannot be met safely in a therapeutic family home. They are placed in one of our three youth houses that can provide a specialized facility-based program to provide support until the child is healthy enough for a more typical placement,” said Kinnard. “We provide Behavioral Rehabilitation Services to enable the child to change their negative behavior and transition into a healthy young adult,” Kinnard added.
Youth Services
The treatment services that the youth receive at our Snohomish Youth Residential Homes include:
- Behavioral Rehabilitation Services (BRS) therapy
- Counseling to help youth admit and take responsibility for actions
- Classes to examine aggression, learn empathy and adopt appropriate responses
- Structured daily schedule
- Independent living skill classes
- Individual and group therapy
Engaging in Treatment
MC did not start well in the program at Cypress, but in time he started to listen and engage in the classes and counseling being provided. After ninth months at Cypress House, MC was practicing good behavior and earned community time for his efforts. He also made bonds with other residents and staff, and gained overnight visits with a family friend.
Moving Home
The positive behavior MC was displaying was preparing him to go live with his father again. After just under 10 months of residency at the Cypress House, the treatment team at Cypress approved MC’s move back to his father’s house.
Kinnard said, “MC and his father continue to participate in a family counseling program as the benefits are evident. MC has been home for over a month and is improving in school, excelling in behavior, and looking forward to a productive future outside of the foster care system. We are so proud to have worked with MC and reunited him with family!”