Pioneer Works with Community Partners on Helping to Build Productive Lives

Rachel’s story is an example of the positive impact that treatment and counseling services can have on an individual when community partners work together.

Most of Pioneer’s housing residents are struggling with more than just the need for affordable housing options. Rachel moved into the Pioneer Transition House from a higher-level mental health treatment facility. The Transition House is a co-ed program that houses 10 residents – five needing to have documented mental health diagnosis and five needing a documented substance use disorder diagnosis.

Staff welcomed Rachel and worked with her on transition into her new home. At first, she struggled to build a routine that created stability into her daily life. She started to express paranoid or delusional behavior and the staff worked with her closely as this behavior made it harder for her to fully engage in the program.

Residents in the Transition House receive supportive services through intensive case management that is holistic in its approach. The Pioneer staff connected with providers and community partners to work together in support of Rachel’s needs. The common goal was to help her stabilize and adjust in her new home so she could eventually transition into more permanent housing.

During Rachel’s time at Pioneer Transition House, she built a trust with the staff and started engaging with all the providers that were working to stabilize her mental health. She really worked extensively with providers to find the right medications and treatments plans that addressed her issues and helped her to feel healthy and part of the community.

Sarah Murray, case manager at Pioneer Transition House stated, “I am so grateful for the opportunity I have had to work with Rachel. She has proved to have immense dedication and motivation in all aspects of her life. It is so inspiring to witness her making an extra effort to engage in her treatment and arrive at all of her scheduled appointments on time. She is easily considered to be one of the most responsible residents we have ever had at the house.”  

Now that Rachel has become stable with her mental health services and medications, permanent housing is the only barrier between her gaining custody of her youngest son. “With all of the community providers working with me, we are close to finding Rachel a great permanent housing option so her son will be able to join her. Our team is very excited for this new chapter in her life,” said Murray.

Rachel shared, “Being at the Pioneer Transition House has helped me to discover the miracles in my life.

We are proud to report that Rachel has proven that perseverance and serious motivators can help an individual transition into having a more productive, responsible and quality-driven life.