A Letter of Thanks for Providing a Path to Recovery

Our staff at the Ituha Stabilization Facility in Oak Harbor on Whidbey Island, was thrilled to receive a heartfelt letter from Chris, a recent resident. The facility provides a monitored and safe setting for individuals withdrawing from alcohol and drugs, and counseling for individuals experiencing a mental health crisis.
Chris arrived at Ituha and self-reported a long history of addiction, “countless” attempts to stop using and multiple failed treatment attempts. After his withdrawal process was completed, Chris was then referred to Pioneer Center North (PCN) in Sedro-Woolley for residential treatment. PCN is a voluntary residential treatment facility that provides counseling and treatment for people who are struggling with substance use disorders and chronic behavioral health issues.
Jennifer Heston, Clinical Supervisor SUDP at Ituha stated, “This is what keeps me going. We have the best team and I am so proud to be a part of this team and hearing theses amazing success stories.”
The Letter from Chris:
Ituha and inpatient at Pioneer Center North literally saved my life. I have tried for many years, to free myself of this disease. I do get that I was the one with the key the whole time, but I cannot stress enough that it was the people that took me in at Ituha, and made me feel that I wasn’t faulty.
I’ve been to an inpatient once before, I won’t name it, but in my opinion their lack of experience and guidance directly led to me going from 15 days clean to working an 8th/9th step with my parents, which badly damaged the relationship. That was 10 years ago and is proof of how serious and thorough the steps should be taken, in order (working out resentment towards that counselor still!).
What I’ve learned from staff and tools made available at Pioneer Center North has been so vital to my progress. And all I have to do is take the steps. I have 84 days clean today. It is the longest clean time in 45 years, less a 90-day USMC boot camp.
I’m so grateful for this opportunity of life now. I actually celebrated my 52nd birthday properly. My higher power gives me everything I need on a daily basis. I would say they are all miracles, and I’m so happy now. I would love to share with anyone who wants to learn. It gets easier and better each day – and it’s so fun discovering! I’m sure you understand.
People think I’m on a pink cloud, and it will wear off. Funny, it keeps getting pinker! Take care. I hope I can be of some service at Ituha in the future.
Jennifer Heston added, “I had the pleasure of working with Chris as well as other Ituha staff. He came in and stated that he was done and was focused on his recovery this time. True to his word, Chris worked with the Ituha team and was able to secure a bed date for inpatient treatment. Chris stopped by Ituha and shared with me that he was still clean and sober and wanted to give back to PHS. It is such an honor and privilege to be able to work with our clients, seeing them on the worst day of their lives and hearing about their success and progress. This is why we do what we do.”
Pictured: A Selfie from Chris