Carnegie Resource Center’s Services and Community Partners Provide Needed Services for Snohomish County Residents

Staff from the Carnegie Resource Center in Everett shared a story on why providing support services, and working with community partners to offer resources, is so vital for those in need.
Recently, John, an unhoused veteran, stopped by the Carnegie Resource Center seeking assistance. John was experiencing significant vision problems due to an inability to afford eyeglasses, despite having a current prescription. He also was in dire need of housing. The Carnegie offers a one-stop location where local residents can engage with several service providers.
Carnegie team pictured from left: Brittany Brenon, case manager; Shantel Harris, social services coordinator; Rebecca Nelson, director.
Rebecca Nelson, Carnegie Resource director, shared, “John was at a great disadvantage with his sight limitations and financial hardship. It was such a great feeling to be able to connect him with several community partners at Carnegie that could assist him.”
“Through the Carnegie’s partnership with the New Eyes E-Voucher program, we were able to order a pair of eyeglasses at a low-cost. With his vision restored, we could now work with him on other priorities like securing stable housing,” Rebecca continued.
The Carnegie Resource Center is a gateway to a multitude of resources and training opportunities related to mental health counseling and substance use disorder treatment, employment services, housing enrollment, veteran programs, health insurance navigation, and public benefit enrollments. All services at the center are coordinated by Pioneer Human Services.
The Carnegie staff also recognized John’s complex needs as an unhoused veteran and decided to connect him with the Homeless Patient Aligned Care Team (HPACT), where he met with a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) social worker and a primary care physician. The Carnegie team also worked with the client on additional services at the VA and assisted him in connecting with a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) case manager in the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program to secure permanent housing.
Shantel Harris, social services coordinator at the Carnegie reported, “John now visits the Carnegie Resource Center at least twice a week to actively engage in his housing plan, consistently demonstrating a positive and motivated attitude. He always enters our center with a big smile and indicated that the reason he smiles when he walks in to the Carnegie is because he always feels seen and part of a supportive community.”
The Carnegie is open Monday through Friday and its’ primary objectives in helping local individuals include:
- Increase client engagement in available programs and services
- Decrease barriers for those seeking services
- Increase client self-sufficiency and stability
Walk-in are always welcome and all are encouraged to read the Carnegie’s monthly calendar of events found HERE.