The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

Pioneer’s Zero Tolerance Policy

Pioneer Human Services mandates zero tolerance towards all forms of sexual victimization in all its facilities.

Reporting Sexual Victimization

If you need to report an allegation of sexual victimization, or to report an allegation of sexual victimization on behalf of an individual who is or was in a Pioneer facility or program, please follow the guidelines below. Reporting differs between federal, state and juvenile facilities.

In all reports, it’s critical that you provide as many details as possible, including:

  • The names and locations of alleged persons involved
  • The names of any witnesses to the alleged incident
  • A brief description of the alleged incident
  • Date, time and location of where the alleged incident occurred
  • Your contact phone number and address if you wish to do so
Reporting Sexual Victimization
  • The external PREA hotline at 1-855-800-4305 (can remain anonymous)
  • In writing to: PREA coordinator, PO Box 18377, Seattle WA 98118-0377
  • In person or by phone to any facility staff
  • By email: 
  • Third Party Reporting – Northwest Regional Reentry Center 503-546-8178 or 
Federal FacilityAddressMain Phone
Pioneer Fellowship House RRC220 11th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122
Spokane RRC – Site 13614 E. Ferry Ave.
Spokane, WA 99202
Spokane RRC – Site 2925 West Broadway
Spokane, WA 99201
Tacoma RRC1902 Milwaukee Way
Tacoma, WA 98421

All cases of alleged sexual conduct shall be promptly, thoroughly, and objectively investigated. Upon substantiation of any allegation of sexual conduct, appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken against the employee, contractor, volunteer, or individuals in a Pioneer facility or program. Those actions may include possible criminal prosecution.

PREA Contact

Nicholas Moreau, director of Compliance & Client Safety / PREA Coordinator
7440 West Marginal Way S, Seattle, WA  98108
