Working to shape a more just society

Why public policy matters for Criminal justice reform

Reducing Recidivism

  • Policies that promote evidence-based reentry programs, such as job training, substance use disorder treatment, and mental health services, can significantly reduce recidivism rates.
  • Fair parole and probation guidelines help ensure that individuals are not reincarcerated for minor technical violations.

Access to Employment

  • Policies that prevent employers from discriminating against job applicants based on their criminal history, gives justice-involved individuals a fair chance at employment.
  • Tax incentives and grants for businesses hiring individuals with criminal records encourage economic opportunities.

Housing Stability

  • Policies that prohibit housing discrimination based on criminal history ensure that reentering individuals have access to stable housing, a key factor in preventing recidivism.
  • Funding for transitional housing programs provides immediate shelter and support.

Restoration of Rights

  • Policies that restore voting rights, access to professional licenses, and other civil rights empower individuals to reintegrate as fully contributing members of society.

Access to Education and Training

  • Policies that fund education and vocational training in prisons and post-release help individuals gain skills necessary for employment.

Community Investment

  • Policies that invest in community-based reentry services help create local networks of support, including mentorship, counseling, and peer support programs.

Addressing Systemic Barriers

  • Public policy can tackle systemic issues such as racial disparities in the criminal justice system, ensuring equity in reentry processes.
  • Advocacy for fair sentencing laws and decriminalization of minor offenses reduces the number of people entering and re-entering the system.

By addressing these areas, public policy not only supports justice-involved individuals but also strengthens communities, reduces costs associated with incarceration, and promotes public safety.