Meet Jordan
September is National Recovery Month and Pioneer wanted to share a special story on recovery.
Jordan has a history of chemical dependency and mental health issues. In December of 2013 he was homeless, cold and very alone. At the time, his dependency to methamphetamine was in his words, “in full beast mode.” As a result of his actions, he was jailed numerous times and had many trips to the emergency room.
Jordan was eventually taken in for mental health treatment at Oak Harbor and then transported to Skagit Valley Hospital for care. He was diagnosed with organic brain syndrome, a long-lasting and sometimes permanent toxic effect that caused mental impairment. In Jordan’s case his diagnosis was due to using too high a frequency and quantity of methamphetamine.
After his stay in Skagit Valley Hospital, he moved into the Pioneer Transition House in Mount Vernon, Washington that is contracted with Skagit County Public Health and Community Services. The housing program provides supportive services through intensive case management that is holistic in its approach. The program takes in eight people maximum with four having documented mental health diagnosis and the other four having chemical dependency diagnosis. Program staff work with residents individually with their mental health and substance use disorders; often connecting them with providers and community partners to support residents in their transition to more permanent housing.
“Right from the first day I arrived, Pioneer’s staff started working with me to help me realize my full potential. They arranged for me to see a mental health counselor at Sunrise Services and enrolled me in an intensive outpatient treatment program at Phoenix Recovery Services,” said Jordan. He added, “I trusted them because I knew that their main goal was to help me with my addiction and get me back on track so I could really live my life. They never gave up on me.”
Pioneer’s staff then recommended that Jordan start attending Moral Recognition Therapy (MRT) in his recovery journey. MRT is a cognitive-behavioral counseling program that combines education, group and individual counseling, and structured exercises designed to foster moral development in treatment-resistant clients. “With the care and support from the staff at Pioneer, the counseling and treatment programs started to sink in and make a difference in how I was feeling and acting. I realized that I could live a life without drugs.” Jordan stated.
Today, Jordan is working towards a Human Services degree at Skagit Valley Community College and has his own apartment in a clean and sober housing program. He is also now working full-time for Pioneer Human Services as he wants to give back in the community. He has been buying replacements for things like a TV that he lost in his prior life due to his addiction.
Jordan commented, “I made some really solid friendships from my stay at the Pioneer Transition House that remain today. Just knowing they are there for me and I can call the staff at any time has kept me strong. This program has been a God-send for me and without it who knows where I would have ended up.”