Our aerospace manufacturing and food service businesses produce high-quality products while providing career pathways for people who have been impacted by the criminal legal system. 


Serving the State of Washington

We provide a wide range of services in communities across Washington state, from detox and stabilization to career training and housing support. 

Featured News

Pioneer Partners with Vault89 on Entrepreneurship Program for Formerly Incarcerated

The INVEST entrepreneurship program is a partnership between Pioneer and Vault89 and was featured in the Puget Sound Business Journal – by Catherine Duchamp. “Anthony Wright, CEO of Seattle-based Pioneer Human Services, believes everyone deserves a second chance. So does Doug Baldwin, former Seattle Seahawks wide receiver, now CEO of social impact investing firm Vault89, based in Renton.

“I owe a great deal of my success thus far to Pioneer Human Services. Since my release from federal prison, they have provided support services, treatment, affordable housing, community connections and positive reassurance to me through my education efforts.”

– mark

Our Impact